Tips from an Admissions Director

Fall…the start of a new school year, students making new friends, settling into routines and learning new skills. It’s hard to believe that just as the school year is starting, it is also the time when schools think ahead to enrollment for the following year and begin their admissions season. As you begin looking for the right school for your family, here are a few things to consider during the admissions process.

Show early interest
I love meeting families in the initial stages of the admissions season, so I have the chance to really get to know them. Show your interest in a school by filling out an online inquiry form or calling an admissions office early in the admissions season. Families who get connected with the admissions office early on often become the families who learn the most about a school community.

Timely communication
Don’t be the family who waits two weeks to respond to an invite or email! Respond to emails and invitations from the admissions office within 24 hours. Timely communication shows the admissions office that the school is a priority to you.

Early is on time and on time is late
There is nothing worse than waiting for a family to arrive before a group tour can begin! Arriving 5-10 minutes before a campus tour shows the admissions office that the tour was a priority for you. It might also provide an opportunity for a family to have one-on-one time with the admissions director before the rest of the tour arrives.

I love when the parents on a tour ask me questions. Questions let me know exactly what is important to the family and gives me a better sense of who the family is. Asking questions during a campus tour shows your interest in learning more about the school and their community. Follow up with the admissions office with any additional questions that arise after your visit.

Don’t wait
What have you been doing the last 4 months? There is nothing worse than seeing applications submitted in the last hour on the final day! Submitting an application before the deadline shows your commitment to the application process. Following deadline dates for supplemental materials honors the admissions timeline as schools look to make enrollment decisions.

Show up
If you are invited…COME! Attending community events at the school demonstrates your commitment to becoming a part of the school community, is an excellent way to meet families who are currently enrolled, and experience what life would be like if you were to enroll your child.

Waiting for decisions is the most difficult part in the application process. Even if your child is not enrolled, inquire if the school has a waitlist. Enrollment is often fluid, so it is important to let the admissions office know of your continued interest.


By Maggie Young, Director of Enrollment Management

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