Lower Elementary

We value the competencies of each child. We’re committed to helping children reach their unique potential by bringing learning to life. Our early childhood programs provide learning experiences rooted in children’s interests.

"Teaching and learning in our lower elementary program is grounded in work that allows children to make meaning, create understanding, and engage in problem-solving. We lean into learning with intention, weaving empathy, perspective-taking, and inclusivity throughout a student’s educational journey. Our program allows for deep curiosity and creativity as children develop the building blocks of their educational foundation."
Rebecca Russell
Director of Teaching, Learning & Belonging

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Joyful & Engaged Learning

Our lower school program balances core curricular subjects with enrichment opportunities. The six-day schedule rotation allows for academic blocks dedicated to literacy, mathematics, writing, and theme studies in social studies. Students also regularly engage in science, Spanish, technology, music, art, library, and physical education. Our dedicated teachers are intentional about curricular design, ensuring that the student experience is thoughtfully aligned throughout their time at Saint Mark’s. Students engage in a wide variety of learning experiences that allow for collaboration and reflection.

Learning with Intention

Each week includes blocks of time dedicated to literacy, mathematics, writing, and theme studies in social studies and science, as well as Spanish, technology, music, art, library, and physical education. Our dedicated teachers collaborate between classes and grade levels, ensuring a thorough understanding and application of subject matters. Class projects, performances, and presentations allow children to share their learning with their peers and gain valuable experience formulating opinions and presenting their ideas to others.