June 16 - July 18

Session I: June 16 - June 27
Session II:
June 30 - July 18

We’re thrilled to announce that registration is now open for this year’s Saint Mark’s Summer! We’re offering three exciting summer programs designed to give children opportunities to learn, play, and explore their creativity. Get ready for a summer packed with fun activities, water play, engaging assemblies, and the return of field trips—details coming soon!

Saint Mark’s Summer is open to students in grades DK through incoming 7th and will be held at Barnhart School, located at 240 Colorado Blvd, Arcadia, CA 91007. Preschool Summer Camp will take place at Church of Our Saviour, 535 W Roses Rd, San Gabriel, CA 91775.

Register by April 11 for an Early Bird Discount! Registration ends May 30.

Preschool Summer Camp

Camp Coordinator: Eunice Poole

The Preschool Summer Program offers a wide variety of experiences in a multi-age group setting. Children will be immersed in learning experiences through the use of engaging themes. The program will be broken up into themes: Messy Makers, Silly Scientists, Tinkering Thinkers, Energetic Explorers, and Wacky Wonders! Activities are planned for indoors and outdoors with time for free play and guided discovery. Children will explore open-ended activities to allow for creative thinking and expression. A group time is planned each day and classroom center activities are presented in age-appropriate ways. The Preschool Summer Program offers a wide variety of experiences in a multi-age group setting. Children will be immersed in learning experiences through the use of engaging themes: Colors of the Rainbow, Ocean Explorers, Bugs & Insects, Silly Scientists, and Summer Olympics.


Activities include but are not limited to:

For all preschool summer camp questions, please contacts Kelly Mancuso, [email protected].

Full Summer (5 weeks)

half day (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $1,950
Regular Price - $2,140

full day with extended care
(8:30 am - 3:00 pm)
Early Bird - $2,520
Regular Price - $2,770

Session 1 (2 weeks)

half day (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $840
Regular Price - $900

full day with extended care
(8:30 am - 3:00 pm)
Early Bird - $1,060
Regular Price - $1,160

Session 2 (3 weeks)

half day (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Early Bird - $1,310
Regular Price - $1,430

full day with extended care
(8:30 am - 3:00 pm)
Early Bird - $1,690
Regular Price - $1,860

Entrance requirements: Children must be at least 2 years, 9 months old and potty-trained by the date of entry. We prioritize students who are currently enrolled at Saint Mark’s School. All licensing paperwork must be completed prior to the first day of attending.

Incoming DK-Grade 1

Camp Director: Chloe Mancuso

Saint Mark’s Summer for DK-1 will be developing our many budding talents and skills! We have a 5-week program that focuses on hands-on exploration and project-based learning. Theme-based learning will support meaningful connections and create loads of fun for all campers. Come explore with us!


Activities include but are not limited to:

For all grades DK-1 summer camp questions, please contacts Chloe Mancuso, [email protected].

Full Summer (5 weeks)

full day
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Early Bird - $2,100
Regular Price - $2,300
Complimentary extended care provided until 3:30 pm.

half day
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $1,465
Regular Price - $1,610

Session 1 (2 weeks)

full day
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Early Bird - $865
Regular Price - $955
Complimentary extended care provided until 3:30 pm.

half day
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $600
Regular Price - $665

Session 2 (3 weeks)

full day
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Early Bird - $1,370
Regular Price - $1,520

half day
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $945
Regular Price - $1,035
Complimentary extended care provided until 3:30 pm.

Incoming Grades 2-7

Camp Directors: Franklyn Shen & Julie Toyama

During Summer at Saint Mark’s, campers will explore Team Building, Engineering, Art, Music, and Science & Speech. Campers will also participate in a variety of fun, popular outdoor games, and traditional camp activities. Camp attendance will be capped at 60 students.

Team Building

Activities that build cooperation and critical thinking, like “Human Foosball” and “Escapecule”

Outdoor Activities

Think “outside of the box” to create vessels with designated materials that can float in water or survive a 15-foot drop

Art & Crafts

Work with different mediums including watercolor, mosaic, collage beads, photography, and lanyards

Theatre Fun

Learn the basics of ukulele or enjoying various styles of dance such as Zumba and learn to communicate by motion and without the use of your voice

For all grades 2-7 summer camp questions, please contacts Franklyn Shen, [email protected].

Full Summer (5 weeks)

full day
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Early Bird - $2,100
Regular Price - $2,300

half day
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $1,465
Regular Price - $1,610

Session 1 (2 weeks)

full day
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Early Bird - $865
Regular Price - $955

half day
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $600
Regular Price - $665

Session 2 (3 weeks)

full day
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Early Bird - $1,370
Regular Price - $1,520

half day
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Early Bird - $945
Regular Price - $1,035

If you have any questions regarding summer camp, please contact the school office at (626) 798-8858 or reach out to Frankly Shen at [email protected].

No camp on Wednesday, June 19 and Thursday, July 4, 2025.


A $20.00 FACTS Processing Fee will be added to the balance for any student not enrolled at Saint Mark’s School. No proration of fees.


A non-refundable and non-transferable deposit of $100 at registration will be billed through FACTS. Balances for all sessions are due on June 6.


A $50 processing fee will be assessed for enrollment after 3:30 pm on May 30, 2025.